Year 4
The Year 4 staff team are very excited to welcome you to our class page. We have so many fun things planned for our learning journey this year. We will be learning about topics including endangered animals, digestion, the Ancient Egyptians, the Anglo Saxons and Vikings and lots more. We will update this page regularly so please visit often. We welcome any feedback from parents on content you might find useful and look forward to meeting as many parents as possible at our 'Meet the Teacher' evening.
Important Reminders
Year 4 will have PE on Tuesdays and Fridays.
On these days children should come in wearing their PE kits.
Autumn Term Parent Booklet
Meet the Year 4 Team 2024-2025
Miss Pocock
4PF Teacher
(Monday + Friday)
Miss Fortune
4PF Teacher
(Tuesday - Thursday)
Mrs Herron
4H Teacher
Mr Willard
PPA PE teacher
Mrs Thomas
PPA Art and DT teacher
Mrs Glatzhofer- Class TA
Mrs Gibson- Class TA
Mrs O'Gorman - 1:1 TA
Miss Budd- Key worker
Curriculum Yearly Overview
Topic Homework
Reading Homework
Spelling Homework
24.11.23 Egyptian Day
Today, Year 4 had an Egyptian day where pupils came to school dressed up as famous Ancient Egyptians and archaeologist. During the day, we had a mummification competition, lessons on reading hieroglyphics, designed death masks and completed a 'tomb excavation' activity to learn information about the Ancient Egyptians from artefacts.
28.11.23 Art Gallery Visit
This afternoon, Year 4 were very excited to visit the Broadway Art Gallery. At the gallery, they explored and analysed paintings using the knowledge they have developed in their Art lessons so far this year.
09.02.24 Anglo-Saxon Workshop
Today Year 4 had a visit from Siward Braders. He spoke to the about the Anglo-Saxons, where they came from and why they came to Britain. Everyone discovered lots of information through an interactive quiz, they learnt how to play different Anglo Saxon games and explored different artefacts and what they can teach us about what life might have been like in Anglo Saxon times.
15.03.24 Viking Workshop
Today we were visited by a Viking! He brought lots of artefacts for us to look at. We discussed what they were made from, what they were used for and what they could tell us about the Vikings. Did you know the Vikings had irons?! Here are some of the artefacts we looked at. Can you work out which one is an iron?
27.03.24 Recorder Lessons
Today, Year 4 had their last recorder lesson. Pupils have really enjoyed their lessons with Jenny who brought in a range of other instruments to share. Pupils listened carefully to each instrument being played and were able to ask questions about them and compare them to the recorder.
28.03.24 Easter Day
To help learn about the Easter story which Christians believe, Year 4 completed a range of art activities. They also discussed other world views and how Easter is celebrated as a secular festivity.
19.06.24 Italy Day
Today, Year 4 were learning all about Italy. They made pizza, were taught some Italian by Mrs Glatzhofer, practised using Roman Numerals and completed a orienteering human and physical geography quiz.